Expedition: The Tabletop Roleplaying Game

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Quest Creator weekly

Quest creators,

Expedition was at UnPub this weekend, so we have a lot of new players and ideas, but not much new code.

In lieu of new features for the week, some quick reminders:

  • Pittsburgh writers: we're having our first quest writing night starting at 5pm this Saturday (March 25th) in Point Breeze. There'll be free food and booze! Email us at Expedition@Fabricate.io to RSVP and get the address.
  • There's one week left in the Quest Quest 2! You must publish by midnight EST on the 31st to be eligible. We highly recommend publishing before then so that you can get feedback from other Expedition players!
  • Please consider filling out the Quest Creator feedback form. It'll only take two minutes, and it'll help us prioritize how to improve your quest-writing experience!


That's all for this week - we can't wait to see your entries for the Quest Quest 2 - and stay tuned! Along with the winners, we'll be announcing the exciting future for Expedition!

All the best,

Todd & Scott