Expedition: The Tabletop Roleplaying Game

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Expedition New Years: Quests, Voting period, expansion and more!


Welcome to 2018! We thought we'd kick off the new year looking back at all we'e accomplished as a community:

Year in review

At about this time last year, the first-ever copies of Expedition were delivered to backers. Hard to believe, right?

Since then, Expedition has grown tremendously:

  • From a community of 1,000... to over 8,000 players!
  • We launched - and shipped - our first expansion, raising over $64,000!
  • The team expanded from just Scott and Todd to more than a dozen team members!
  • We had our first convention booth - at the 50th GenCon anniversary - where we played Expedition with over 300 people!
  • The app was updated with tons of new features and fixes - totaling more than 500 commits!
  • Community authors wrote more than 50 quests!

Most importantly, we've proven that a community-driven, open-source, technology-enabled game is not only feasible... it's a ton of fun!

New Quests and Contest Voting

The November-December writing contest saw four awesome new adventures ready for you to play! Splice, The Spirit of Festivus, Kingdom of Kelendia: The Curse and To the New World: An Expedition Story.

Cast your vote to help decide the winner of the $500 writing prize here:  https://goo.gl/forms/kkUOT2xEtIyCAmFF2

Voting ends January 15th at noon. Note that attempts to scam or game the voting system will result in disqualification.

January Writing Contest

Need an excuse to practice your writing? Want to win $100? Then you've come to the right place!

This January, the quest with the best out-of-combat roleplaying and character progression will win $100 in cash!

To enter, simply write and publish a quest with the Expedition Quest Creator by 11:59pm EST on January 31st, 2018. After the deadline, the Expedition team will judge all entries and select a winner. Additional consideration will be given to quests that are 40 minutes or longer.

Learn more about Expedition writing contests here.

Buying The Horror

The remaining Kickstarter copies will ship out in the next week (still finalizing the date).

The Horror will be available for purchase starting January 26th on the Expedition Store and in game stores. Want to support your local game shop? Point them to ExpeditionGame.com/retail for details on how to purchase Expedition from distributors.

Paperless Expedition App

Speaking of community-driven... one of our fans made an awesome digital version of the cards. It's currently available on the Android App Store. Note that it's a fan-supported app and currently only has the base set available.

If there's enough interest, he'll make it for web and iOS as well - so make sure to rate it and give him feedback in the app. Thank you, Mike!

New Features

The Expedition app has received several upgrades in December, including:

  • Combat audio engine
  • Ability to report errors and send feedback without leaving the app
  • Improved app interface on large displays
  • Remote play now in beta
  • Fixed a lot of bugs - thank you to all of the users who reported them!

Interested in helping make the app even better? Your first contribution to any Expedition repo earns you 200 loot points!

    Loot Club

    We're working on a big update to the loot club to make it even more rewarding to participate in the Expedition community. You can now earn points by writing quests, improving the code, and sharing Expedition with your local game community. Loot points can be redeemed for cash and all sorts of Expedition swag.

    We've also multiplied all loot point balances and rewards by 100 so that we can give out rewards for an even broader array of contributions. This month, we'll be integrating loot points with the quest creator, so that you'll be able to easily check and redeem your points!



    Here's to many more years of adventuring,

    Your Expedition team