
All in the Cards...[The Forge #10]

The Forge Icon - Beige.png

Click Here for a Master Index of “The Forge” and “Vault”!

Hail Quest Crafters! We're tackling something completely different today--how to make your own cards in the Card Creator. It's fast, it's easy, and it lends endless variation to Expedition bounded only by your imagination. Let's get to it!

The first thing we'll do is go to the Card Creator from the webpage and also the Example Card Sheet in which we'll need to enter all our data.  As the Github guide states, copy that sheet into your Google Drive folder (File--> Make a copy).

Below we've chosen the "Loot" subsheet/tab at the bottom of the Google spreadsheet and created our custom Loot in each of the fields.

We do want to warn you that there are two scripting conventions you may have used in the Quest Creator that may cause you some problems if you use them in the Card Creator:

  1. In the Quest Creator we've used the :music: script to get a music icon to appear. Use of : in the Card Creator will cause the text afterword to be placed all in CAPS, it will NOT get us an icon. If we want the icon for music to appear in the Card Creator, we need to use a # prior to the type of icon we want. So #music gets us the desired icon in the Card Creator.

  2. If you leave an empty row between entries (ex. you delete everything in "joined chant" row in pic below), nothing beneath the empty row will appear in the Card Creator.

After we've made all our cards, we want to select the URL at the top of the page of the Google Sheet and copy it.


After we've made our Google sheet, we want to go to our browser window where we have the Card Creator opened. You'll notice at the top right-hand side of the sheet there is a drop-down menu. We want to select "Custom".  It will give us a box where we will paste the URL to our spreadsheet.  That is shown below:


Now that we've pasted our URL, we need to reload the page. If we want to narrow down our look at our created cards (say, to look only at the "Loot" sheets), we can select the card type from the drop-down menu at the top left, but we need to refresh the page from the reload button by the URL at the top left, NOT from the icon next to the ? icon on the right. 

And just like that, we have our new Loot items, the Scroll of Precision, Gauntlet of Change, and Quiver of Elemental Arrows, as you can see below...


Easy peasy, just as we promised.  It takes far less time and learning than creating a quest for the app (though we have shown a way you can quickly craft a quest in about 70 minutes, or come up with a mad-lib style plot for GM-mode [no app] in about 15 minutes). 

Now print those cards from the web with Ctrl+P or Command+P . If you're running Expedition as a GM instead of from a created quest in the app, this is a perfect way to add new enemies, abilities, and Loot.  Maybe now you'd consider crafting an adventure to share with the community!  Show off those shiny new cards!

Like this? Consider sharing or Tweeting it, or joining the weekly Quest Crafter mailing list for more writing inspiration.

Have an idea for the next Quest Crafter or feedback on how we can make it more useful to you? Email us at Authors@Fabricate.io or leave a comment below.

Onerous Outlaws [The Vault #14]

The Vault Icon - Beige.png

Click Here for a Master Index of “The Forge” and “Vault”!

This week we'll begin adding some depth to the "Bandit" Encounter type, with twenty Titles to personify and modify your fearsome felons:

  1. _The Elusive_ They have a way of fading away... > When reduced to 0 or fewer hp, the adventurer who dealt the blow makes a :roll:. On a 10 or below, the Bandit avoids the attack and escapes instead.

  2. _Breaker of Chains_ No chains can hold them. > Deals +1 damage each round in combat, due to hideous strength.

  3. _The Shadow_ Known for striking first from the shadows. > Adventurers must make a Notice :ranged: check of 11 or above, otherwise they cannot use abilities the first round of combat.

  4. _Spell Thief_ A wizard turned criminal, excelling in stealing spells. > Once per round when an offensive :magic: ability is played, if the ability :roll: was below 10, the Spell Thief turns the effect back on its caster (it also doesn't strike the intended target).

  5. _The Craven_ Blusters when things go well, turns tail when they don't. > Flees when reduced to half hp. Update the Tier count.

  6. _The Lightning Lord_ Precise, quick tactical strikes are their specialty. > The first round of combat the Lord and his henchmen inflict +1 extra damage and take -1 damage.

  7. _The Tumbler_ Acrobatics are his forte. > Any ability :roll: less than 12 deals -1 damage against this agile foe.

  8. _Sneakhand_ His sleight of hand is superb. > On the first round of combat, choose one adventurer to :roll:. On a 10 or less, Sneakhand steals 1 :loot: item from the adventurers in the first combat exchange. He can then use it for his own benefit.

  9. _Snaremaster_ It's a trap! > The adventurers must make a Notice :ranged: check on the first round of combat. The adventurer with the lowest :roll: steps into the trap, and suffers -2 to hp and their first ability roll.

  10. _Riddler_ You wish they'd shut up and fight. > On a "solve riddle" check of 11 or above, adventurers deal +1 damage to the Riddler, but on a failed check lose 1 Persona.

  11. _The Brute_ Your blows only serve to enrage him. > Any round in which they take 3 or more damage, they Surge.

  12. _Master of Disguise_ They look so familiar...> On a failed ability :roll:, if it is the first round or a Surge round, the ability instead deals another adventurer damage.

  13. _Halfhand_ In this kingdom they take fingers every time a thief is caught. He's lost more than a few. > Deals -1 damage each round.

  14. _The Tongueless_ His tongue was removed for insolence. > Make a Persona check at the beginning of combat. If the :roll: was 10 or below, you are unnerved and make the next ability :roll: at -2.

  15. _Stumpfoot_ His foot was cut off as punishment for crimes. > This opponent surges every 4th round, not every 3rd.

  16. _The Swift_ He's sooo fast! > Surges every 2 rounds instead of every 3.

  17. _The Fallen_ Disgraced and disowned, even by fellow criminals. > On an Intimidation :influence: :roll: of 10+Tier Value, you can shame them, gaining a +2 to your next ability :roll:.

  18. _Thief Lord_ Truly he is a king of thieves. > The round after each Surge, add a Tier 1 Bandit and upgrade the Tier count.

  19. _The Poisoner_ They coat all their blades with it. > Any round an adventurer takes damage, the adventurer's next :roll: is made at -3.

  20. _The Widowmaker_ Women and children weep at mention of their name. > At the beginning of combat, adventurers make a Persona check. A roll below 9+Tier Value of the Widowmaker results in a loss of 1 Persona, so potent is the fear associated with them.

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Have an idea for the next Quest Crafter or feedback on how we can make it more useful to you? Email us at Authors@Fabricate.io or leave a comment below.